What is the Best Frame for my Face Shape
What is the Best Frame for my Face Shape? This is one of the most popular questions we are asked and it’s an important one: When you get the frame shape right you are on the road to getting the perfect look. The rule of thumb is: The most suitable frame shape is the opposite of your face shape. Angular shaped faces look better with round frames. Softer, fuller faces are enhanced with sharper edged frame shapes. Determine what face shape you have from the descriptions below and find the best frame shape for you.
Oval/Round Faces
An oval face shape has high cheekbones and gentler curves around the side of the face. A round face has the same gentle curves but with fuller cheeks.To play down the roundness, select frames with straight or angular lines. A wide, shallow and angular frame gives the face a narrower look.
Best frame shape: Rectangular or octagonal frames.
Avoid: Round and square shapes
Heart Shaped Faces
Heart shaped faces, also known as the inverted triangle, is widest at the forehead and narrows towards the jawline.
Best frame shape: Supra (half-rimmed) frames and rectangular/octagonal frames. These frames create a well-proportioned look.
Avoid: Round and oval styles.
Pear Shaped/Triangular Faces
A triangular face is most narrow at the forehead and gently becomes fuller down towards the cheeks and the jaw.
Best frame shape: Rectangular styles or round/oval frames. Try bold frames with colour to emphasise the top part of the face.
Avoid: Octagonal frames.
Rectangular Faces
Rectangular faces are well proportioned, featuring high cheekbones and a strong jaw line. They usually feature more angles than curves and they are noticeably longer than wide..
Best frame shape: Round frames and oval styles that help soften the face.
Avoid: Rectangular frames and small frames as they make the face look longer.
Square Faces
Square faces are well defined; they feature a strong jaw line and angular cheekbones.
Best frame shape: Oval shapes, which soften the angles.
Avoid: Square, rectangular and round frames as they make the face look too symmetrical.
Frame Materials
To help you decide what frame is right for you here you can find out about the different spectacle frame materials available at just4specs and what makes each option special.
The frame materials to consider are:
Memory Metals:
Frames made from memory metals are generally made from titanium alloy and can be bent and twisted without breaking. The frame then springs back into its original shape without a trace of damage. All within reason of course.
Stainless Steel:
Stainless steel is a readily available material and reasonably priced, a great alternative to titanium. One of the main qualities of stainless steel is that it’s lightweight and strong. Most stainless steel frames these days are nickel-free and therefore hypoallergenic; it also provides excellent resistance to corrosion, abrasion and heat.
Metal is an extremely versatile frame material. Metal frames can be ornately decorated, anodised or have coloured lacquers applied to create various designs, styles and colour options. They are usually made combining different metals to provide a lightweight, flexible and strong construction. Most metal frames are very easy to adjust to provide excellent comfort and a secure fit.
Plastic frames have the advantage of being available in a vast range of colours, textures, patterns and styles. They can be constructed from blocks of plastic or injection moulded. Most feature metal cores in the sides for additional strength. Plastic frames distribute their weight evenly over the bridge of your nose. This can provide greater comfort for those that feel they are ‘pinched ‘ by the nose pads usually found on metal frames.
Titanium is an extremely lightweight and strong metal. It is a relatively new material for frame construction but lends itself incredibly well for this use.Titanium can now be found in many quality frames and surpasses other metals in terms of comfort and durability. It is also hypoallergenic, and therefore is an ideal solution for those who suffer an allergic reaction to other metals.
Frame Types
Frames come in different materials and shapes but there are also a number of different frame types to choose from at just4specs. Different frame types have differing advantages and disadvantages and so it’s important to choose the right type for you.
Full Frame:
Full frame refers to a frame that surrounds the entire lens leaving none of it exposed. It is the most common frame type and can accommodate virtually all prescriptions, depending upon which material the model has been made from and the type of lens used. They are available in numerous shapes and materials.
Rimless frames comprise of two sides and a bridge that are attached to the lenses to form a complete pair of spectacles. The entire lens is left exposed to give a subtle and discrete appearance. We use a strong lens material, either Polycarbonate or Trivex, as standard. For higher Long-Sighted (Plus Prescriptions) we recommend High Index (1.6 or 1.67) materials or even very High Index (1.74) depending on the strength of the prescription to reduce its thickness, as the entire lens is clearly visible. Short-sighted (Minus Prescriptions) can also be suited to rimless spectacles.
Semi Rimless (Supra):
Also referred to as half-rimless, the Supra style has a rim at the top of the frame but leaves the lens exposed at the bottom giving the appearance that nothing is holding the lenses in the frame. In reality a thin length of clear plastic cord (nylon wire) runs along a narrow groove carved into the edge of the lens retaining the lens in place. As the bottom of the lens is clearly exposed, this style of frame can still be glazed with higher Long-Sighted (Plus Prescriptions) and we recommend High Index (1.6 or 1.67) materials or even very High Index (1.74) depending on the prescription to reduce the thickness. For Short Sighted (Minus Prescriptions) we recommend either Trivex or Polycarbonate materials for medium to low prescriptions and High Index for higher prescriptions.
The half-eye style of frame is primarily for reading glasses. It is designed to sit lower down on the bridge of the nose than other frames and it is flatter across the top of the lens. This is so that the wearer can easily see over the top of the frame when not reading. When the wearer lowers their eyes to look down to read, they will be looking through their lenses and so the reading text will be sharp and clear. When they look up, the lenses are positioned below the line of vision enabling you to see objects in the distance clearly without removing your spectacles.
Primarily found in sunglass ranges, wrap-arounds do as their name suggests and wrap around the face. They are designed to prevent light, wind or debris from getting behind the lenses and potentially into your eyes. Be guided by what frames can be suited to your prescription by using our handy buy with or without prescription button. This feature is only available when a frame is designed to take prescription lenses.
General Advice
In this section you will find advice that will help you make the most of your frames and how to wear them properly.
Frame Size
Frame size should be in proportion to face size. For instance, large full faces are flattered by more oversized frames, yet a petite face would appear “bug-eyed” in the same scale of frame.
Frame Fitting
Our faces are not always in perfect balance. At just4specs our professional staff will do their best to ensure that your glasses sit evenly on your face, should you find that they don’t, we advice that you visit your local optician for a simple adjustment.You should be able to put your spectacles onto your face without pulling out the sides in order to do so. They should also fit fairly snugly at your ears but the sides of the frame should not be pressing on the side of your face, as this will cause indentations after a long period of time.
Frame Depth
The position of the top of the frame should be just level with the eyebrows. If it is too high, it will make the wearer look as though they are frowning. If too low, it will make the wearer look surprised.The bottom rim of the frame should not be touching your cheeks as this may cause irritation and will lift the frame when you smile!
Pupil Alignment
Your eyes should look central in relation to your chosen frames to ensure that they look balanced.
Bridge Size
It is important that the bridge of a frame fits snugly over the bridge of your nose. If too small, it will lift the frame making it appear too high on the face and will cause discomfort to the wearer. If too big, the frame will sit low down on the face and not stay in position.Plastic frames have a fixed bridge, which cannot be altered. The bridge of the frame should follow the bridge of your nose without any gaps, unless it is a keyhole bridge which is designed to leave a slight gap above the nose. Both bridges are comfy and secure making it an ideal fit. Metal frames however, have adjustable nose pads, which can be altered to fit the width of your nose so that your spectacles feel comfortable and the weight is distributed evenly without any pinch marks.
When choosing frames it is worth considering what colour clothes you normally wear and match frames accordingly. The colour of your frames should also match your jewellery. If you wear gold jewellery then silver frames will look out of place. If you normally wear silver jewellery then avoid gold frames.
Facial Features
You can enhance or disguise certain facial features depending on your choice of frame: A frame that sits high will make a short nose look longer, whereas a frame that sits lower will appear to shorten a long nose.If your eyes are close set, avoid detail on the bridge of the frame, as this will exaggerate the look. Look for detail at the temples as this will draw the eyes further away and create a more balanced look. Do the opposite to this if your eyes are wide set to create more balance.
How to Measure Your Pupillary Distance (PD)
It is important that we know your pupillary distance (the space in millimetres between your pupils) so that we know exactly where to place the centres of your prescription lenses. An optician might measure them for you but they are not obliged to give you the information but don’t worry; there are a number of ways you can do this yourself.
Measure your PD with the Help of a Friend

Make sure that “your helper” is roughly at the same height as you and stand arms length apart. Ask them to place a ruler across the bridge of your nose placing the start off the millimetre measurements in the centre of your right pupil (shown in the example at the bottom of the page).

Start measuring from the right eye (as if “your helper” is looking at you) “your helper” must close their left eye! This is important, as it will avoid any parallax error.

Then “your helper” closes their right eye, opening their left eye as they are taking the measurement to the centre of your left pupil (see diagram at the bottom of the page!).
A typical measurement will usually be somewhere between 55mm and 72mm
Remember you can always repeat the process a few times just to be sure!
Measure your PD Yourself

Firstly stand about 20cm away from a mirror (8 inches). Place the ruler HORIZONTALLY against the mirror and close left eye. The closing of the eye is important, as it will avoid any parallax error.

Place the start off the millimetre measurements on the ruler in the centre of your right pupil. Open your left eye and close your right eye. Remember to keep the ruler and your hand still.

Peering over the top of the ruler with your left eye read the millimetre measurement in the centre of your left eye (see diagram at the bottom of the page!).
A typical measurement will usually be somewhere between 55mm and 72mm
Remember you can always repeat the process a few times just to be sure!
Measure your PD Yourself
Measure your PD with your Smartphone and iPad
There is an app for your smartphone and iPad that measures your pupillary distance and allows you to email the results to info@just4specs.co.uk
The app is called Pupil Meter and costs £0.69
Download Pupil Meter at Apple Store
Download Pupil Meter at Google Play
Let Us Measure Your PD
If in doubt, feel free to send us an old pair of your glasses and we can measure the PD for you. Your old glasses will be returned to you along with your new glasses.
What Colour Frames Suit my Hair, Skin and Eye Colouring?
Some of us want spectacle frames to stand out boldly against our skin tones where others want a more inconspicuous choice.
There are no hard-and-fast rules on colour selection but follow these general rules to start with.
Blonde/Fair Hair Colour
People with blonde hair are often fair skinned. In which case try lightweight metal frames with a hint of colour. Choose warm colours, as they will add warmth to your natural colouring. Avoid clear crystal frames or blue and green coloured frames, as they will appear to drain the colour from your cheeks. Gold or tortoiseshell frames suit your colouring very well.
Auburn/Warm Hair Colour
If you have auburn warm coloured hair, frames including gold, copper, bronze, reddish brown and tortoiseshell will provide very flattering results, by reflecting the warmth of your natural colouring. Cold colours such as blues and greens will often give a definite contrast and should be avoided unless that is your desired effect.
Light and Medium Brown/Medium Hair Colour
If your skin is a more olive tone, and you have light brown hair you may wish to go for warm gold, bronze, copper and tortoiseshell as these will blend with your natural colouring. If your hair is a little darker or a deeper brown and your skin fair cool colours such as blues, greens, silver and gunmetal will be far more flattering.
Dark Brown/Black Hair Colour
Those with olive, golden or light Asian skin tones and dark hair will look great in silver, gold or clear frames. Burgundy and brown colours are also suitable, however, avoid black frames as these can look too heavy and lose definition. Metallic colours look good, as do amber frames. Steer clear of bold colourful frames unless they are to go with a particular outfit.
Silver and Grey Hair Colour
Clear crystal frames, grey, satin silver and metallic silver frames will all compliment your light coloured hair. However, skin tone still needs to be considered. Take care with blues and greens, as they can appear to drain your natural colouring.